Safe use of the playground
A feature of the SWPBS program at Bellbridge includes explicitly educating students about how to behave in our playground. As part of on-going learning, staff discuss and clarify consistent understandings regarding the safe, respectful and responsible use of all areas of the playground. Some basic school-wide expectations are: - Students may play anywhere (not separate areas for different year levels) they wish as long as they engage in safe and responsible behaviour. - Playgrounds are for climbing, swinging, sliding, balancing, etc – not chasing games. - Games that involve running and chasing should be played on the oval – not around buildings. - The front of the school is out of bounds at all times. - The seating around the Grade 4/5 building is for passive activities – not eating, or standing on. - The courtyard is a passive area for sitting or playing less active games – not running or ball games. - The soccer pitch is used according to a roster. Expectations about playground usage after school We are fortunate to have wonderful play equipment at Bellbridge and understand that the children really enjoy playing on it, but at the end of the school day it is essential that our staff can identify any child who has not been collected from school. Therefore we have implemented the following expectations: - NO pre-school children or toddlers are to play on the playground equipment at any time as they have not been designed for pre-school age children. Parents or carers who choose to allow their pre-schoolers and toddlers to play on the school playgrounds, do so at their own risk and it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to provide supervision. - Students who walk or ride bikes/scooters home from school are NOT to play on the playground after school. All students are to make their way home or to their designated meeting place where they are picked up by a parent as soon as the bell goes at 2:40pm. - Parents or carers are responsible for the supervision of their children after 2:40pm. |